Description/achievement of initiative
The University worked on several projects and actvities such as: Colloques Carbon CareADVICE (Acceptabilité et Droit de l’Intelligence Energétique).Cartographie régionale de la qualité globale de l'air à l'aide des lichens épiphytes.Collecte du papier.EnMarche ( Expérimentation de Nouveaux Modes d'Alimentation et Recherche sur les Comportements Habituels et leur Evolution).Effets de la végétation sur le climat et la pollution de l'air en milieu urbain.D’une culture du charbon à un(e) univers(ité) zéro carbone?In particular, from 2010 to 2012, the project called 'Cartographie régionale de la qualité globale de l'air à l'aide des lichens épiphytes (Regional mapping of the overall air quality using epiphytic lichens)' contributed to the mapping of the overall air quality through the observation of epiphytic lichens. The project 'Effets de la végétation sur le climat et la pollution de l'air en milieu urbain' was designed in order to collect existing data on the roles of urban vegetation on climate, air pollution and the health of its inhabitants
Implementation methodologies
In the context of the first project, researchers also observed the effects of climate change on epiphytic lichens based on the changes observed in the geographical distribution of some of its species. As far as the second project is concerned,the collected data were then organized and prioritized in order to be delivered to territorial managers and professionals involved in urban development to serve as decision support tools.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
Université de Lille