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Reporting year: 2015
Achievement at a glance
UNFPA support to the Pacific Youth Development Framework in 2015 is under Outcome 2.2 of the framework aimed at improving young people’s sexual and reproductive health. UNFPA chairs the UN-Working Group for Youth (UN-WGY) which is a mechanism for coordinating UN support toward the implementation of the PYDF. The main initiative of the Working Group in 2016 is the development of the State of Pacific Youth Report (SOPY), through a collaboration between UNFPA, the Pacific Community (SPC), ILO, UNICEF, UNDP offices in the Pacific and youth stakeholders. UNFPA has also supported the formation of a regional youth think tank which was instrumental in the development of the PYDF. The think tank will play a role in the conceptualization of the SOPY.
Challenges faced in implementation
Limited funding was a hindrance to expanding the capacity to manage the implementation and monitoring of PYDF Coordination and collaboration among national, regional and global players also proved to be challenging The geography of the Pacific is often a challenge in the implementation of a regional plan at different levels and successful achievement of expected deliverables.
Next steps
UNFPA under the current multi-country programme will continue to support the implementation of the PYDF specifically in its technical advisory role and with other UN agencies in the Pacific and as the chair of the UN-WGY. It is envisaged that these networks will be strengthened by the outcome of the 2016 SOPY, which will be one of the guiding documents for the PYDF.
Measurable outcomes
Young people receiving programmatic support; National Governments; SPC; UN-WGY
PYDF sets the priorities for the youth development in the Pacific as seen by young people themselves; coordinates activities across stakeholders to avoid duplication; provides an opportunity for harmonized monitoring and evaluation of interventions which should contribute towards the youth development. Given ownership at the national and regional levels by young people, youth participation will be a strong element throughout the cycle of its implementation; it provides young people with a baseline for tracking progress and encourages accountability for implementation.
Status of initiative
On track
Supporting Documents
United Nations