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Reporting year: 2016
Achievement at a glance
The project of Billion Tree Tsunami has 85% success rate when it comes to sapling survival. More than 200-400 million saplings have been planted in different areas in order to take the effect of afforestation away. The remarkable local species of evergreen and deciduous plants have been introduced and planted in the fields required.
Challenges faced in implementation
Next steps
In the next stage, more saplings of the trees have been sowed to the nurseries and shall be implanted accordingly with the assistance of local communities, parochial governments and provincial governmental human resources. The Billion Tree Tsunami project is subjected to be completed by 2018 but may take a little longer in order to make it more effective as a lot of hazards are required to be taken care of. By 2018, 400-1,000 million saplings will be implanted all over the province in order to fulfill the promise of environmental protection and to look after climate change as per COP21 resolution, MDGs and SDGs.
Measurable outcomes
Masses of Khyber Pakhtunwa, Pakistan
Better environment. Climate change control. Lessening of CO2 in the atmosphere. Thickening of the ozone layer in that particular area with the production of greater amounts of oxygen. Protection of flora and fauna, wildlife and environmental protection of the region. The landscape of the area will be weather-friendly and aesthetical.
Status of initiative
On track
Supporting Documents
United Nations