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University of Salento
Description/achievement of initiative

We promise to take action now to build a 3,0 MW Photovoltaic Facility to support energy consumption of the University. We commit to trasparency trough annual reporting on progress.The success can be measured by the final installation of the facility. A private company, named Elettromeccanica, will support the commitment trough direct investment.We promise to take action in the future, to commit to transparency trough annual reporting on progress for:- Zero organic waste and diffuse energy saving policy in our two campuses;- Bioarchitectural projecting of all our new building.

Implementation methodologies

Our commitment to Sustainable Practices was recently proved by the excellent result that we achieved in the GreenMetric World University Ranking in 2011 (http://greenmetric.ui.ac.id/ ), an initiative which allows universities in both the developed and developing world to compare their efforts towards campus sustainability and environment friendly university management.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


University of Salento
Progress reports
Goal 4
Build a 3,0 MW Photovoltaic Facility
Annual Sustainability Reports
Staff / Technical expertise
Expertise of students and staff concerning sustainable development

Basic information
Time-frame: 2012 - 2015
University of Salento
Contact information
Aurelio Tommasetti, Rector, rettore@unisa.it
United Nations