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Blog by Rio+20 Secretary-General, Mr. Sha Zukang
Blog from 24 August 2010 - 31 July 2012
Implementing the outcome of Rio+20 (31 Jul 2012)
The Rio+20 Conference was a landmark event of far-reaching historic significance. Addressing a large number of inter-linked challenges through inclusive consultations and negotiations, Rio+20 achieved a balanced and action-oriented outcome, reflecting the positions and commitments of all nations.

From my perspective as Conference Secretary-General, I think Rio+20 achieved historic results on a number of critical fronts. First, Member States renewed their commitments for sustainable development by adopting, by consensus, an action-oriented outcome document – The Future We Want. Second, Member States decided to launch an intergovernmental process on sustainable development goals, thereby laying the groundwork for a future UN development agenda. Third, Member States adopted guidelines on advancing a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. Fourth, Member States decided on important measures to strengthen UNEP. Fifth, Member States agreed on a decision to establish a universal intergovernmental high-level political forum to provide political leadership and guidance on future action for sustainable development. Sixth, Member States adopted a framework of actions and follow-ups on twenty-seven thematic areas and cross- sectoral issues, many of which emerging issues. Finally, Member States launched a number of significant proposals for action on enhancing means of implementation.

The Conference was attended by some one hundred Heads of State and Government, with many more engaged from the capitals through direct communications with the UN Secretary-General and the President of Brazil, the host Government. Some 50000 participants attended a broad array of side events, dialogues, exhibits and other activities, both on site and off-site. Millions more followed, through social media, including e-forums and contributions to the Sustainable Development Dialogues. Over 700 voluntary commitments were launched during the Rio+20.

While all these decisions and statistics highlight the importance of Rio+20, its real impact will be seen in the coming years in measures to translate commitment into action, in changes in government policy, in far-sighted business decisions, in advances in science and technology, and in our individual actions.

At Rio, we have secured a blueprint for the future we want; we have seen the political will by Member States and stakeholders. Now it is time for action and implementation.
United Nations