The Rio+20 Conference -
the Future We Want - generated new momentum for achieving sustainable development.
The organizations of the UN system play a critical role in implementing its outcome and advancing sustainable development goals.
It is more important than ever that they work together at the global, regional, sub-regional, and country levels. Cooperation helps to avoid duplication among agencies, ensures synergies, and ultimately enhances the support of the United Nations system to developing countries.
To main inter-agency coordination mechanism for the Rio+20 follow-up continues to be the
Executive Committee of Economic and Social Affairs Plus (ECESA Plus). ECESA Plus brings together 50 plus UN entities (
including Funds, Programmes, Regional Commissions, Convention Secretariats, Specialized Agencies, International Financial Institutions, the WTO and IOM). It is convened by the UN-DESA and it builds on
Other inter-agency mechanisms such as the
United Nations System Chief Executives Board (CEB),
United Nations Development Group, the
Environmental Management Group (EMG) continue to be instrumental in coordinating system-wide follow-up activities in their respective areas.
Joint follow-up action on specific issues is also conducted through formal and less formal issue-driven collaborative
mechanisms such as
UN-Energy, the
High Level Task Force on Food Security, the Interagency Committee of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, to mention a few.
UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon, in a
letter addressed to the executive heads of UN system organizations,
called for joint actions to respond to mandates explicitly addressed to the UN system in Rio+20.
These have been captured in a framework aimed at ensuring that the UN system responds in a timely and coherent way.
The framework is intended to be a working tool and it will continue to evolve as the UN family
keeps moving the sustainable development agenda forward. Beyond these mandates, the whole Rio+20 outcome document
demands a coordinated response by the UN system and its dedicated efforts to mainstream sustainable development in its work.
ECESA Plus currently serves as the coordinating platform for Rio+20 and
SIDS Samoa Pathway follow-up, and it is supported on its day to day operations by the Division for Sustainable Development/DESA.