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Expert Group Meeting, New York, 10-11 Oct 2005
Expert Group Meeting on Reviewing National Sustainable Development Strategies
- Programme with presentations
- Report of the Meeting
- List of Participants
- Information for Participants
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Conference Room Papers
Symbol |
Title |
Proposed Options-based Methodology for Shared
Learning and Peer Review of National Sustainable Development Strategies
by B. Dalal-Clayton, IIED |
Developing a handbook of guidance for
conducting peer reviews of National Sustainable Development Strategies
in the European Union - Reflections on the French/IIED methodology and
recommendations by S. Vordzorgbe, Ghana |
National Sustainable Development Strategies
for Ghana: Approach and Guidance by S. Vordzorgbe, Ghana |
Report of the Status Review of National
Strategies for Sustainable Development in Ghana by S. Vordzorgbe and B.
Caiquo, Ghana |
Review, development and monitoring of
National Sustainable Development Strategies in Ghana by S. Vordzorgbe,
Ghana (this material will be published as an article in the Natural
Resources Forum special issue on National Sustainable Development
Strategies, volume 30:2 (May 2006), Copyright United Nations |
Linking national and local sustainable
development: Issues and Capacity development implications based on the
Ghanaian experience by S. Vordzorgbe, Ghana |
Evaluation of Sustainable Development -
Presentation given at the EASY-ECO Conference 15 June 2005 by M. Janicke,
Free University |
National Sustainable Development Strategies:
Strengthening the Links to Operational Policies - C. George, University
of Manchester & C. Kirkpatrick , University of Manchester (this material will be published as an article in the
Natural Resources Forum special issues on National Sustainable
Development Strategies, volume 30:2 (May 2006), Copyright United Nations |
National Strategies for Sustainable
Development: Good Practices in OECD Countries - OECD |
National Strategies for Sustainable Development: Challenges, Approaches and Innovations in
Strategic and Co-ordinated Action by
D. Swanson and L. Pintér, IISD; F. Bregha, Stratos Inc.; A. Volkery and K. Jacob, Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität of Berlin |
Institutional and Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development in Africa
by UN Economic Commission for Africa |
Collaboration Workshop For National Councils Of Sustainable Development In French-Speaking Countries: Summary and Recommendations
[English] [French] |