December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
Filipinos aspire for work-life balance, a comfortable, secure and peaceful life. This long-term aspiration—the AmBisyon Natin 2040—we learned from a nationwide survey conducted in late 2015. This was on about the time we adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and subsequently crafted the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022. We soon recognized that we need to transform our world by ensuring sustainable development and leaving no one behind in order to live the life we want.
Sustainability and inclusivity are both goals and principles that guide our development strategies. Engaging stakeholders is necessary for an initiative to gain traction and be owned by a broad section of society who are driven to make it work and succeed.
The Philippines’ second Voluntary National Review emphasizes the synergies between government and non-government actions required to ensure inclusiveness and equality.
The Philippines has employed a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to SDG implementation. National actions are grounded in laws to ensure robustness. Cross-sectoral coordination and orchestration of actions are done through existing institutional mechanisms. Stakeholders are informed and engaged in discussions. Our recently launched SDG website provides a platform for broader engagement, including with the youth and the Filipino diaspora.
The primary catalyst for action is the PDP 2017-2022 and we made sure that the SDGs were integrated into the Plan. The PDP has subsequently been cascaded to the whole of government, including at the local level, following Executive Order No. 27 (2017). Nationally determined 2030 numerical targets were identified, which set the required pace of progress of the SDGs. These targets are reflected in the Results Matrices, a companion document of the PDP. The Philippine Statistics Authority monitors the Tier 1 indicators through their SDG Watch.
While government is both catalyst and mobilizer of the policy framework for the SDGs, even non-government stakeholders have taken on the responsibility for the agenda and delivering the services to the rights-holders.
For quality education - the legal framework for institutionalizing the Alternative Learning System has been set. The Department of Education, working with the private sector, has been reaching out to what we call the last mile, which includes out-of-school youth and other vulnerable groups, to deliver education services. ‘
For decent work – to allow for a just transition to a greener economy, the Philippines’ Green Jobs Act incentivizes enterprises to offer jobs using green production practices. Meanwhile, the Securities and Exchange Commission will require Sustainability Reports for Publicly Listed Companies, beginning 2020. Private businesses, like Human Nature, are adopting inclusive business models, wherein the value chain deliberately involves disadvantaged communities. The Mentor Me program of the Department of Trade and Industry further promotes mentoring and partnership between small and large enterprises.
To reduce inequality - the Conditional Cash Transfer provides targeted interventions to disadvantaged families. Responding to Republic Act 10524 which reserves employment for persons with disability, companies such as Lamoiyan Corporation employ handicapped people who comprise a significant proportion of their personnel. To offset regional disparities, the Assistance to Disadvantaged Municipalities provides a support fund for poorer local governments to build access roads and water system projects, among others.
For climate action - the Climate Risk Management Framework provides risk information to enhance adaptive capacity. Project NOAH exemplifies the partnership between the academe and government in providing timely weather information for disaster preparedness. A ban on single-use plastics is already implemented in a number of cities and municipalities. A Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan is now being formulated to provide a coherent framework for climate action.
For peace, justice, and strong institutions – A major milestone is the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Law, which was a result of cumulative initiatives, including those by the international community, to address a long-standing conflict in southern Philippines.
To ensure effectiveness of partnerships - the Philippines has been conducting the Official Development Assistance Portfolio Review. Still, we make sure that the SDG implementation is mostly financed from domestic resources.
Pursuing the SDGs requires an ambitious approach that gets everyone behind the goal of leaving no one behind. Involving the different stakeholders today in a very concrete way will determine the attainment of the SDGs in the remaining 11 years, and on to 2040.
Report | Topics covered | Process |
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The best opportunity to slow the rate of near-term warming globally and in sensitive regions such as the Arctic is by cutting emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) – most notably methane, black carbon and some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Widespread reductions, which complement the need for aggressive global action on carbon dioxide, contribute significantly to the goal of limiting warming to less than two degrees. Reducing SLCPs can also advance national priorities such as protecting air quality and public health, promoting food security, enhancing energy efficiency, and allevi...[more]
The Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management Program (CMEMP) is a national program which aims to comprehensively manage, address and effectively reduce the drivers and threats of degradation of the coastal and marine ecosystems in order to achieve and promote sustainability of ecosystem services, food security and climate change resiliency for the benefit of the present and future generations of the Filipino people. Under this program, protection and management shall be anchored on the following approaches: (a) Integrated coastal management; (b) Partnership building; (c) Protection, Mana...[more]
The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) is a multilateral partnership of six countries working together to sustain extraordinary marine and coastal resources by addressing crucial issues such as food security, climate change and marine biodiversity.There is broad scientific consensus that the Coral Triangle represents a global epicenter of marine life abundance and diversity. Spanning only 1.6% of the planet’s oceans, the Coral Triangle region is home to is home to the highest coral diversity in the world with 600 corals or 76% of the world’s kn...[more]
The majority of SIDS face water scarcity. Being at the forefront of climate change, with increasing demand through population growth and tourism is the cause. As water is part of everything we do, lack of water means lack of development. Desalination can solve the water shortages. With high energy tariffs on islands, desalination of seawater becomes an expensive exercise. At the same time, islands enjoy the wind, an abundance of sunshine and ocean views. This makes desalination powered directly by renewable energy interesting, with a great potential for decentralized and small-scale island...[more]
The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data is multi-stakeholder network of more than 150 data champions harnessing the data revolution for sustainable development. Its members represent the full range of data producers and users, including governments, companies, civil society groups, international organizations, academic institutions, foundations, statistics agencies and data communities. The Global Partnership serves as an invaluable convener, connector and catalyst, building trust and encouraging collaboration among stakeholders to fill critical data gaps and ensure data is acc...[more]
The IHO capacity building programme seeks to assess and advise on how countries can best meet their international obligations and serve their own best interests by providing appropriate hydrographic and nautical charting services. Such services directly support safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, efficient sea transportation and the wider use of the seas and oceans in a sustainable way, including the protection of the marine environment, coastal zone management, fishing, marine resource exploration and exploitation, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime defence and security, and o...[more]
It aims to set in place back-stopping measures that address the needs of people and communities who are displaced from the impacts of natural hazards and the adverse effects of climate change within, and across borders.To reach this goal technical assistance and capacity building can provide the basis to increase the required awareness from the community to the political level and complement and strengthen national adaptation policy. In the event that displacement occurs, government will have institutionalised safe-guard measures that protect people who are displaced and the receiving communit...[more]
The Philippines fisheries is one of the most exploited resources in Southeast Asia. Majority of the coastal areas are depleted and most marine habitats are damaged. Marine environmental issues often identified are destruction of sensitive coastal ecosystems i.e. coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves; overexploitation of fishery resources and destructive fishing practices which indirectly affects livelihood of sustenance fisherfolk. These factors have deleterious, and sometimes irreversible, negative impacts on fisheries, and thereby endanger sustainable fisheries resource utilization. The...[more]
The program conducts assessment of major pelagic and demersal species in major fishing grounds of the county through establishment of standardized time series and biological data by fishing ground (bays/gulfs/seas), which are fundamental to science-based fisheries management, formulation of policies, plans and strategies.