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Pacific Youth Development Framework Partnership (PYDF Partnership)
Description/achievement of initiative

The Pacific Youth Development Framework (PYDF) is about how regional organisations, governments, community organisations, and society support young people in the Pacific (22 countries and territories) towards safe and healthy lives and sustainable environments, as active social and economic participants in their communities. The framework works towards a vision which is, a sustainable Pacific where all young people are safe, respected, empowered and resilient. Four high-level development outcomes for youth have been determined as regional priorities.These are:1.More young people secure decent employment;2.Young people's health status is improved;3.Governance structures empower young people to increase their influence in decision-making;4.More young people participate in environmental action.

Implementation methodologies

An implementation strategy provides guidance to support effective coordination at both regional and at national levels. At national level, governments/administrations are responsible for ensuring national coordination mechanisms are in place and are effective and working in shared partnership with national youth councils or equivalent body representing youth. The role of the national coordination mechanism is to organise the implementation of the PYDF across Government's line ministries at all levels, the National Youth Council and its provincial affiliates and within civil society. The task of the national coordinating mechanism is to assess and determine country/territory priorities within the PYDF and the areas where technical assistance is required. The national coordination mechanism is the focal point for communicating with the regional coordinating agency SPC. Members of the coordination mechanism would be responsible for working collaboratively to implement the PYDF through the development of programmes and initiatives.At regional level, regional agencies will work collaboratively to plan more smartly the distribution of technical assistance across the Pacific region, to support countries in the development of youth initiatives within the Pacific Youth Development Framework. This Framework binds technical agencies to commit youth-focused resources to the outcome areas that have been agreed as priorities with highest impact for youth in the region. A key partner for all technical agencies, are Pacific youth networks, including the Pacific Youth Council, as the main focal point for youth networks in the Pacific.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

In the inception stages of the Framework (current), partnering technical agencies will provide guidance on the establishment of national coordinating mechanisms in PICTs. As initiatives get developed, capacity building components will be incorporated into project design (based on assessments of need), alongside other quality criteria that will contribute to the success of the PYDF. The transfer of technology will occur within project initiatives that are part of larger regional efforts. For example, an initiative engaging young people in climate change adaption in Choiseul province of Solomon Islands, is part of a regional ˜ridge-to-reef" programme, in which youth participants are provided with training to use appropriate equipment to work on the adaptation programme, providing them with income-earning opportunities at the same time.--1. Coordination structure established in PICTs requesting technical assistance.-Guidance material printed and distributed to PICTs-TOR in place defining roles and responsibilities-Assessment of need (technical assistance, resources) completed2. Annual reports of implementation completed -M&E frame completed-Initiatives developed include monitoring aspects.-National coordinating mechanisms compile progress reports.-SPC compiles annual report for submission to its governing body.3. Resource mobilisation strategy developed-Assessment of need (noted above) completed, resource gap identified-Donor roundtable/consultation on strategy4. Mid-term review and final evaluation completed-Annual reports completed-Participant survey completed-Review of multi-agency partnership agreement completed

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

Central to the development and the success of the PYDF is the need to work collaboratively with regional youth stakeholders, governments and administrations, and youth networks - especially those that engage marginalised groups of youth. The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), as the mandated regional agency for youth, and with its coverage of all 22 PICTs, will oversee the coordination and monitoring of implementation of the PYDF. Working groups of relevant agencies clustered around the four outcome areas will be established to develop the strategic development of each outcome area and coordinate the deliver of technical assistance to Pacific islands and territories. For example, ILO is the lead agency for the outcome area on youth employment, working in partnership with the Commonwealth Youth Program, the Pacific Youth Council and others. A Pacific Youth Employment Strategy guides the development of work in this area. A new multi-agency partnership agreement will be established (prior to the SIDS Conference) to oversee implementation of the PYDF. A subset of these members (including the Pacific Youth Council) will carry the role of overall governance through their high-level representatives (agency heads). It will also be responsible for reporting through regional governance channels on progress of implementation.


SPC (regional coordination), PYC, UNFPA, IPPF, PIFS, WHO, ILO,CYP, FAO, 350 Org, UNICEF, UNDP, SPREP, GIZ
Progress reports
Goal 3
Coordination structure established in PICTs requesting technical assistance
Resource mobilisation strategy developed
Annual reports of implementation completed
2018 - 2023
Mid-term review and final evaluation completed
Staff / Technical expertise
Available; Advisor (1) plus expertise in partner agencies - Required: Advisors (2) for Funding & Policy and Participation, and Strengthening Evidence and Capacity Building (as part of regional coordination mechanism) - Other technical expertise will be id
Other, please specify
Funding required - Phase 1, establishing regional coordination mechanism (advisory body and programme support): 300,000 p/a - Regional coordination work on policy, funding, participation, capacity building and strengthening evidence: 140,000 p/a - Finance
In-kind contribution
Partner agency contributions by programmatic support and technical assistance.

Basic information
Time-frame: 0000-00-00 - on going
SPC (regional coordination), PYC, UNFPA, IPPF, PIFS, WHO, ILO,CYP, FAO, 350 Org, UNICEF, UNDP, SPREP, GIZ
Contact information
Mereia Carling, Human Development Advisor - Youth, MereiaC@spc.int
United Nations