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  • This form is for registering good practices in SDG implementation
  • Do not register name of people under "Title"
  • Enter the full name of the practice under "Title"
  • Do not enter organization/entity name under "Title".
  • Do not register proposals. Register concrete practices.
Please fill out as detailed as possible. Green fields are required.
Basic information
Title of practice (max 255 characters)
Region Country
Geographical coverage (max 255 characters)

Territorial range over which it is carried out - e.g. administrative, watershed, ecosystem or other, including map and geo-reference.

You have selected: 0 Goals and 0 Targets
Sustainable development goals

Please select which Sustainable Development Goal(s) and corresponding target(s) the initiative is working towards. Click on any Goal to see list of targets.

Introduction (max 100 words)

What the practice is about; brief description of background, context and timeframe.

Objective of the practice (max 500 words)

Objective of the practice. Distinguishing feature(s) making it an effective response to the SDGs/2030 Agenda (e.g. integration of environmental, social, economic indicators; design for acceleration of progress or for reaching the furthest behind; interlinkages among the SDGs and targets; institutional changes; other innovative change in line with the transformative spirit of the 2030 Agenda.,etc.) Describe how challenges were met, and difficulties overcome.

Key stakeholders and partnerships (max 100 words)

Beneficiaries, implementers, institutions, donors or other partners. Methods of engagement and participation, including any special contextual features. Extent to which outcomes/results were validated by stakeholders (e.g. stakeholder perspectives and testimony). Innovative partnerships

Implementation of the Project/Activity (max 500 words)

How the project/activity has been applied and executed. May include the initiation, planning and execution of the project. What monitoring mechanisms, if any, are in place.

Results/Outputs/Impacts (max 500 words)

Evidence based results and outputs (quantitative and qualitative) arising from the practice. Changes in status and trends (e.g. with relation to individuals, families or geographic areas). Unanticipated spill-overs - positive and negative, including how negative impacts were alleviated or mitigated. Longer term results to which practice contributes. Differential impacts including how to contribute to leaving no-one behind.

Enabling factors and constraints (max 500 words)

Enabling conditions that helped the practice to succeed, including but not limited to financing, investment, STI. Specific constraints that needed to be overcome and how this was done. Innovations that the practice may have brought about, or new ideas/technologies/ways of thinking that it was able to leverage.

Sustainability and replicability (max 500 words)

Elements that are in place for environmental, social and economic sustainability and resilience. Cost/efficiency implications - benefits relative to costs. Plans for extending the practice more widely or encouraging its adoption in other contexts.

Conclusions (max 500 words)

Key messages including impact, what made the practice break new ground, and other lessons learned

Other sources of information (max 500 words)

Related websites, published articles or news stories, formal assessments, guidance notes or other documents that have drawn upon the practice.

Optional photos that illustrate the good practice (only image files are accepted)
Start date (dd/mm/yyy) Enter the start date of the initiative
Date of completion (dd/mm/yyy) Enter the completion date of the initiative Ongoing?
Resources devoted to delivery
Please specify the resources that are devoted to this initiative.

Type Details
First name
Last name
Entity type Other? Please specify
Any comments for the UN Secretariat? (This will not show publicly)

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Difficulties registering online? Download and fill out the Word version of the registration form and send to dsdg@un.org upon completion.
United Nations