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UN System
To secure the coordinated support from the United Nations system, the Conference Secretary-General included Rio+20 preparation as a standing item in the meetings of the Executive Committee of Economic and Social Affairs (ECESA) of which he is the convener, and has invited heads of all UN system entities (including Funds, Programmes, Regional Commissions, Convention Secretariats, Specialized Agencies, International Financial Institutions, and the WTO) to attend the meetings. The UNCSD coordinating mechanism is known as ECESA Plus ECESA Plus Principals held two internal coordinating meetings followed by two dialogues with the UNCSD Bureau (respectively on 4th November 2010 and 7 July 2011).

UN entities designated Rio+ 20 focal points to liaise with the Conference Secretariat in the day to day preparations to the Conference.

The Conference Secretary-General cooperated also through a so called "Troika" by working closely with the heads of UNDP and UNEP, in their capacity as Chairs of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) and Environmental Management Group (EMG), in support of conference preparation.
Other Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs) and inter-agency mechanisms
Inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) have played an important role in advancing the implementation of sustainable development both at the regional and international levels.

A diverse range of IGOs engaged thus far and contributed to the Rio+20 preparations.

These included the partnership of the Regional Development Banks with the Regional Commissions and other UN system entities in organizing the Regional Preparatory Meetings; OECD carrying out specific work on green growth; and a wide variety of UN system inter-agency mechanisms coming together to provide expertise and input to inform the preparatory process, just to mention a few.

The full list of IGOs that provided input to the compilation document is accessible here.

Link to Observers of the United Nations:

At Rio+20 and during its preparatory process, IGOs interested in participating in the meeting were required to be accredited to the UN and register accordingly. Other IGOs interested in obtaining an ad hoc accreditation for the purpose of the RIO+20 Conference could submit an application to:

  • ECOSOC Affairs Branch
  • General Assembly and ECOSOC Affairs Division/DGACM
United Nations