December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:

Former Honorary President and Former Chairmen
His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Japan
Former Honorary President
H.E. Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto
Former Prime Minister of Japan and Former Chair
His Royal Highness the former Prince of Orange
Former Chair
His Royal Highness El Hassan bin Talal
Former Chair
Ms. Uschi Eid
Chair from 2014 - 2015
Board Members
Mr. Mahmoud Abu-Zeid
Mr. David Boys
Ms. Juanita Castano
Ms. Margaret Catley-Carlson
Mr. Lei Chen
Ms. Jocelyn Dow
Mr. Giorgio Giacomelli
Mr. Angel Gurria
Mr. Kenzo Hiroki
Mr. Han Seung-soo Kbe
Mr. Omar Kabbaj
Ms. Olivia La O'Castillo
Mr. Antonio Miranda
Ms. Maria Mutagamba
Mr. Poul Nielson
Mr. Eric Odada
Mr. Gerard Payen
Ms. Judith Rees
Mr. Richard (Roy) Torkelson
Mr. Yordan Uzunov
Mr. Koos Wieriks
United Nations