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Securing a Dedicated Water Goal in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
For the post-2015 development framework, the Board calls for a global post-2015 goal on water that includes targets on at least three essential objectives:

1) Achieve universal access to sustainable sanitation and to drinking water that is really safe

2) Increase wastewater management and pollution prevention

3) Improve integrated water resources management and water-use efficiency

Targets and indicators need to be designed and monitored in each of these three areas. UNSGAB is also advocating for water-efficiency targets in other post-2015 goals and for water-related disasters to be included in the post-2015 agenda. After conducting extensive dialogues with stakeholders on various continents, UNSGAB has gained insights about the major challenges to realizing the MDG targets on water and sanitation. It has generated greater attention to pollution prevention and wastewater management and water resources management.

The Board Commits to:

  • Work closely with UN Member States, particularly the Friends of Water Steering Committee and the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure water and sanitation objectives appear in the goal setting processes and to secure strong champions for water and sanitation in the intergovernmental dialogue
  • Make connections with allies working on health, job creation, energy, food security and financing to articulate linkages
  • Inform relevant players about the Board's three water goal objectives, including by participating in international fora and events such as the Stockholm World Water Week, Budapest Water Summit and the 7th World Water Forum in Korea
  • Provide support to UN processes such as the UN-System Task Team on the post-2015 agenda
  • Take all possible occasions to address with these partners the issue of comprehensive monitoring as a crucial element of the Post-2015 agenda

The success of all these efforts depends on national action and partner activities:

  • National Governments ascribe high and increasing priority to providing safe drinking water and sustainable sanitation
  • Donor Governments continue their support in this area, and ascribe higher support to monitoring progress in this area
  • The UNICEF / World Health Organization (WHO) Joint Monitoring Programme partners with UNSGAB on an objective for drinking water "that is really safe" by defining ambitious and realistic targets
  • The "Friends of Water Group" Steering Committee helps coordinate Member States around the water issue
  • UN processes, such as the High-Level Panel on Post-2015 agree to consider the need for strong water and sanitation objectives while encouraging stakeholder participation
  • Regional bodies, such as the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) and the Asia-Pacific Water Forum, call for higher priority to water management, water and sanitation and the endorsement of a dedicated Global Water Goal
  • Higher attention is paid by stakeholders and decision makers to capacity building, including training of engineers and water managers and staff, to help countries formulate integrated planning for water resources development and protection, and to improve the sustainability of co-operation projects

UNSGAB's call for a Post-2015 Global Goal on Water

United Nations