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High-level Roundtable, Bridgetown, Barbados, 25-27 March 2008

High-level Roundtable on International Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Launching New Partnerships between Iceland and Caribbean Small Island Developing States
Business and Investment Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development and on Sustainable Management of Fisheries

25-27 March 2008
Bridgetown, Barbados


Name Affiliation/Title Presentation
Opening Session
Hon. Christopher Sinckler Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and International Business of Barbados Welcome Address
Hon. Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade of Iceland Address
NB: presented by Ms. Kristin Arnadottir, Special Engyo
Mr. SHA Zukang Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Address
H.E. Angus Friday Permanent Representative of Grenada to the United Nations and Chairman of the Alliance of the Small Island States (AOSIS) Statement
High-level Roundtable on International Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Caribbean SIDS

Session I:
Caribbean Small Island Developing States: Enhancing Economic Resilience and Sustainable Development
Prof. Albert Binger Jamaica Regional assessment of sustainable development in Caribbean SIDS
Ulric Trotz Science Adviser and Review Editor of IPCC Working Group II Report, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), Belize The impact of climate change on Caribbean SIDS
Neil Pierre Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, Sustainable Development Unit, Trinidad and Tobago Natural disasters, risk reduction, and economic and social sustainability for Caribbean SIDS
Kelvin Dalrymple Chief Research Economist, Caribbean Development Bank, Barbados A catalyst for development resources in the Caribbean
Svetlana Bagaudinova Monitoring, Analysis and Policy Unit, Investment Climate Department, World Bank Doing business in SIDS
Session II:
Sustainable Energy Development in Caribbean SIDS
Roland Clarke Project Manager, Caribbean Renewable Energy Development PRoject (CREDP), CARICOM Secretariat Overview of renewable energy development in Caribbean SIDS
William Hinds Ministry of Energy and the Environment, Barbados Examples of Barbados' initiatives in renewable energy
Gísli Pálsson Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) Overview on Icelandic development cooperation in the energy sector with Central America and the Caribbean
Thorleifur Finnsson Reykjavík Energy Invest Examples of Iceland's initiatives and partnerships in geothermal and hydro energy development
Special Keynote Address
Hon. Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade of Iceland Icelandic Development Cooperation with UNIFEM on SIDS
Jocelyn Dow founding member of Red Thread and businesswoman, Guyana, Member of the UN Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation Overview on the Programmes for the Advancement of Women in Caribbean SIDS
Session III:
Sustainable Management of Fisheries in the Caribbean
Franklin McDonald UNEP Caribbean Environment Programme and UWI Institute for Sustainable Development, Jamaica The marine environment in the Caribbean region
Bisessar Chakalall Senior Fisheries Offcier, FAO Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean, Barbados The state of fisheries in the wider Caribbean region
Jójann Sigurjónsson Director General, Marine Research Institute, Iceland Resource management of fisheries in Iceland and Icelandic development cooperation
Tumi Tómasson Director UNU FTP, Iceland Perspectives for the development of the UNU Fisheries Training Programme for the Caribbean
Hugh Saul Director General, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism
Session IV:
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions and Recommendations document
Closing of the High-level Roundtable
Hon. Christopher Sinckler Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and International Business, Barbados Statement
Hon. Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade of Iceland Statement
SHA Zukang Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Statement
Business and Investment Forums on Energy and Fisheries

Session A:
Energy for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean
Lárus Elíasson CEO Enex, Iceland Solutions in the renewable energy sector: geothermal and small to medium-size hydro energy projects
James Husbands CEO, Solar Dynamics Limited, Barbados Energy for sustainable development in Barbados
Guðmundur Þóroddsson Reykjavik Energy Invest Experience in geothermal power development
Mark Lambrides Department for Sustainable Development, Organization of American States (OAS), Washington, D.C. The Eastern Caribbean Geothermal Energy Project (Geo-Caraibes)
Lúdvik S. Georgsson Deputy Director, UNU Geothermal Training Programme, National Energy Authority, Iceland Overview of the Geothermal Training Programmes offered at the United Nations University
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Executive Director, LaGeo S.A., El Salvador Geothermal development in Central America
Erouscilla P. Joseph Research Assistant, Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago Geothermal energy potential in the Caribbean
Session B:
Effective and Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources in the Caribbean: Potential for Regional and International Cooperation
Kieran Kelleher Senior Fisheries Specialist, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, World Bank PROFISH: The World Bank Global Program on Fisheries
Geir Oddsson Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) Overview on Icelandic development cooperation in the fisheries sector
Kolbeinn Gunnarsson Trackwell Ltd., Iceland Remote monitoring of vessels for fisheries management and enforcement purposes
Thorsteinn Ingi Viglundsson Mode Slurry Ice Systems Increasing quality through rapid chilling: Mode slurry ice systems
Gylfi Geirsson Icelandic Coastguard The Icelandic Vessel Monitoring System