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19th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development

53 members; three-year term MEMBERSHIP

African States (13)

  1. Algeria (2013)
  2. Benin (2013)
  3. Cote d'Ivoire (2013)
  4. Democratic Republic of the Congo (2011)
  5. Eritrea (2012)
  6. Ethiopia (2012)
  7. Gabon (2011)
  8. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (2011)
  9. Malawi (2011)
  10. Mauritius (2012)
  11. Namibia (2011)
  12. Nigeria (2012)
  13. Togo (2013)

Asian States (11)

  1. Bangladesh (2011)
  2. China (2012)
  3. Kazakhstan (2013)
  4. Kyrgyztan (2012)
  5. Malaysia (2013)
  6. Mongolia (2013)
  7. Pakistan (2011)
  8. Philippines (2012)
  9. Saudi Arabia (2011)
  10. Thailand (2013)
  11. United Arab Emirates (2011)

Eastern European States (6)

  1. Belarus (2013)
  2. Estonia (2011)
  3. Latvia (2013)
  4. Romania (2011)
  5. Russian Federation (2012)
  6. Ukraine (2012)

Latin American and Caribbean States (10)

  1. Antigua and Barbuda (2012)
  2. Argentina (2011)
  3. Brazil (2011)
  4. Colombia (2012)
  5. Costa Rica (Retiring member 2010)
  6. Cuba (2012)
  7. Panama (2013)
  8. Peru (2013)
  9. Uruguay (2011)
  10. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (2011)

Western European and Other States (13)

  1. Australia (2012)
  2. Belgium (2011)
  3. Canada (2011)
  4. Denmark (2013)
  5. France (2013)
  6. Germany (2011)
  7. Israel (2011)
  8. Luxembourg (2012)
  9. Netherlands (2013)
  10. Norway (2013)
  11. United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland (2012)
  12. Switzerland (2011)
  13. United States of America (2012)
United Nations