The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, was an action-oriented conference focusing on implementation of sustainable development. This newsletter aims to highlight the work carried out by Member States, United Nations system, Major Groups and other relevant stakeholders in implementing sustainable development and leading the way to the Future We Want.
Volume 5, Issue 1 - February 2017
Preparatory meeting for the Ocean Conference taking place on 15-16 February;
Symposium on implementing 2030 Agenda and SAMOA Pathway in SIDS held on 21-23 February;
43 countries to present Voluntary National Reviews on SDGs implementation at HLPF 2017;
Synthesis Report of Voluntary National Reviews 2016 now available;
Experts and eminent scientists to draft Global Sustainable Development Report.
Volume 4, Issue 6/7 - June/July 2016
Advancing SDGs through sharing of experiences and mutual learning at the HLPF;
Stronger bridge between science and policies is needed to achieve SDGs;
Apply for UN-DESA Grant on Energy for Sustainable Development by 15 August;
Global Sustainable Transport Conference held from 26 to 27 November in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan;
Co-Chair’s summary of First annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs.
Volume 4, Issue 5 - May 2016
Inaugural Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs;
Five blog posts on HLPF theme ‘Ensuring that no one is left behind’ published to date;
Register for the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development;
Call for applications for the 2016 UN-DESA Grant on Energy for Sustainable Development;
UN Conference to Support the Implementation of SDG 14 held in 2017.
Volume 4, Issue 4 - April 2016
Theme of 2016 High-level Political Forum is "Ensuring that no one is left behind";
New Partnerships for SDGs online platform now live;
Small Island Developing States Newsletter launched;
Call for Papers on Inequality;
10-Member Group to Support Technology Facilitation Mechanism meets with UN Inter-agency Task Team on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs;
India-based Software Engineer Wins First Prize in #LinksSDGs Data Visualization Challenge.
Volume 4, Issue 3 - March 2016
Theme of 2016 High-level Political Forum is "Ensuring that no one is left behind";
New Partnerships for SDGs online platform now live;
Small Island Developing States Newsletter launched;
Call for Papers on Inequality;
10-Member Group to Support Technology Facilitation Mechanism meets with UN Inter-agency Task Team on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs;
India-based Software Engineer Wins First Prize in #LinksSDGs Data Visualization Challenge.
Volume 4, Issue 2 - February 2016
Secretary-General Appoints Group to Support Technology Facilitation Mechanism;
At least 18 countries to participate in national reviews of 2030 Agenda at High-level Political Forum;
Apply to speak at UN General Assembly High-level Thematic Debate on Achieving the SDGs;
General Assembly briefing on the global SDG indicator framework;
New website for National Capacity Building.
Volume 4, Issue 1 - January 2016
Secretary-General appoints SDG advocates;
Secretary-General Report on follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda at the global level now available;
First National Reviews of 2030 Agenda implementation to take place at High-level Political Forum;
Supporting country-level implementation of the 2030 Agenda;
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Sustainable Cities;
Expert Voices: Role of sustainable transport to combat climate change.
Volume 3, Issue 12 - December 2015
Secretary-General’s High Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport to advance transport solutions to climate change;
More support needed for national implementation of Energy SDG, targets and indicators;
Scientists and researchers invited to submit science briefs;
Small Island Developing States Partnership (SIDS) Framework;
Second Committee advocacy meetings;
Major Groups and other Stakeholders participate in retreat hosted by ECOSOC President;
Join the SDGs natural language processing and data visualization challenge!
Volume 3, Issue 11 - November 2015
Workshops on integrating Agenda 2030 into national development plans;
UN High-level Water and Sanitation Days starts on 18 November;
Summary of ‘Partnerships for SDGs’ event now available;
Bi-Weekly Advocacy Meeting for General Assembly Second Committee;
Three stakeholder representatives to attend high-level HLPF retreat Over 250 nominees for UN inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation;
Questionnaire on 2030 Agenda follow-up and review.
Volume 3, Issue 10 - October 2015
From Rio to Paris: Higher Education for Climate Change Action;
Enhancing food security, health and well-being in Small Island Developing States;
Share your views on the Partnerships for SDGs platform;
17 Sustainable Development Goals 17 Partnerships;
Questionnaire on 2030 Agenda follow-up and review.
Volume 3, Issue 9 - September 2015
UN adopts 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
United Nations launches Mechanism to promote science, technology and innovation;
Over 1750 initiatives now registered in Partnerships for SDGs platform;
From Rio to Paris: Higher Education for Climate Change Action;
US$1 million DESA Energy Grant awarded to We Care Solar to expand the use of life-saving 'Solar Suitcase';
UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport Welcomes New Sustainable Development Agenda.
Volume 3, Issue 8 - August 2015
Post-2015 Summit to chart a new era for sustainable development;
Reflections on the Global Sustainable Development Report;
Twitterchat with Thomas Gass on the SDGs;
Position Paper on Financing Sustainable Transport published;
Animated video on science-policy interface.
Volume 3, Issue 7 - July 2015
SD in Action - Special Report on Voluntary Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Commitments for Sustainable Development
Volume 3, Issue 6 - June 2015
Zero draft: Outcome document to adopt Post-2015 Development Agenda;
High-level Political Forum on sustainable development prepares for post-2015;
UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Group to issue recommendations for advancing sustainable transport;
Building on the successes of the “Water for Life” Decade.
Volume 3, Issue 5 - May 2015
UN Regional Offices hold Fora on Sustainable Development;
Joint Post-2015 and Financing for Development session highlights common ambition;
Draft Recommendations for a Small Island Developing States Partnership Framework ;
"People need to change habits to stop damaging earth" – UN Radio Interview;
"New sustainability agenda must harmonize humankind's relationship with planet" - UN General Assembly President.
Volume 3, Issue 4 - April 2015
Comments sought on Technical Report on post-2015 indicators;
Interactive Stakeholder Dialogue at April joint FFD and post-2015 negotiation session;
Latin American and Caribbean civil society capacity building workshop on post-2015 and HLPF;
Top water and sanitation projects awarded at UN Headquarters.
Volume 3, Issue 3 - March 2015
Public invited to review crowdsourced briefs for Global Sustainable Development Report;
Member States and Stakeholders discuss vision for post-2015;
Capacity Development Workshop on Mainstreaming the SDG on Energy;
Water Decade culminates in exhibit to highlight progress and key water areas of SDGs;
Advancing Water and Sustainable Development;
Water in the World We Want.
Volume 3, Issue 2 - February 2015
General Assembly embarks on historic task of finalizing the post-2015 agenda;
February session of post-2015 negotiations focuses on the Declaration;
New $US 1 million UN Grant for leadership and innovation in sustainable energy is now accepting applications;
High-level Political Forum on sustainable development 2015;
Inaugural Women's Health and Development Forum.
Volume 3, Issue 1 - January 2015
Post-2015 negotiations to start with stock-taking session;
Stakeholder Preparatory Forum held on 16 January;
International Year of Small Island Developing States comes to a close;
The UN Water Zaragoza International Conference: From Vision to Action;
Secretary-General's Synthesis report available in all six official UN languages;
Proposed Sustainable Development Goals.
Volume 2, Issue 11 - December 2014
Secretary-General presents Synthesis Report
Draft modalities for negotiating the post-2015 development agenda published
New million dollar DESA Grant to promote sustainable energy
Harnessing transport investments while reducing pollutants for sustainable future
SD2015 workshop reaches out to national and regional Civil Society platforms
November edition of 'Natural Resources Forum' now online
Proposed SDG #2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
Volume 2, Issue 10 - November 2014

Call for inputs to Global Sustainable Development Report; How much do you know about sustainable development?; Compendium of Issues Briefs now available; General Assembly aims to start negotiations on post 2015 development agenda in January; Proposed SDG #1:
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Volume 2, Issue 9 - October 2014

Transport and mobility essential for sustainable development; Recommendations for technology cooperation; Actions for SAMOA Pathway already underway; General Assembly's Second Committee discusses Sustainable Development
Volume 2, Issue 8 - September 2014

General Assembly adopts resolution on SDG report
$1.9 billion pledged in sustainable development partnerships
Pre-Conference Activities enriched discussions in Samoa
Volume 2, Issue 7 - August 2014

UN General Assembly's Open Working Group proposes sustainable development goals The High-level political forum demonstrates its potential Proposal on effective sustainable development financing strategy options to be finalized in August Empowering youth for sustainable islands Major Groups and other Stakeholders Forum on partnerships for SIDS Dialogue on possible arrangements to enhance technology facilitation
Volume 2, Issue 6 - June 2014

The HLPF - A Home for the SDGs and the Post-2015 development agenda; Share your questions with participants at the HLPF; Focus area on 'promoting equality' to be added to OWG's working document; Report with options on sustainable development financing is taking shape; Out now: The May issue of Natural Resources Forum; Final PrepCom for the third International Conference on Small Island Developing States; Partnership of the month: Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility; Submit your images for the #islands2014 photo call.
Volume 2, Issue 5 - May 2014

High Hopes for the High-level Political Forum on sustainable development; "The outlines of SDGs are forming", say Open Working Group co-chairs; Nature and humankind as equal partners; New Blog outlines rationale for a third Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS); Promo-video explores some fundamental questions on the SIDS Conference; Partnership of the Month: Global Island Partnership (GLISPA); General Assembly Dialogues on Technology Facilitation; A Conversation with Maurice Strong
Volume 2, Issue 4 - April 2014

Open Working Group publishes updated focus area document; Theme of the High-level Political Forum's second meeting is set; New tool to assess vulnerability and resilience of SIDS piloted successfully; Zero draft for SIDS Conference released for comments; SIDS 2014 registration for Major Groups and other Stakeholders now open; Partnership of the Month: UN REDD;
Volume 2, Issue 3 - March 2014

Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals publishes Progress Report; Global Preparations for UN Conference on Small Island Developing States kick off; Special SIDS issue of the journal 'Natural Resources Forum'; Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing meets for third session;
Volume 2, Issue 2 - February 2014

Genuine and durable partnerships for Small Island Developing States; UN celebrates the International Year of SIDS; Social inclusion is integral to sustainable urbanization, says Open Working Group; Open Working Group on SDGs to hold final stocktaking session; Disclaimer for fraudulent conference invitations & offers of employment/internships;
Volume 2, Issue 1 - January 2014
Commitments to improve energy access for rural areas announced at Global Conference; Means of implementation for future SDGs discussed by Open Working Group; Open Working Group met again early in 2014; Scientists and experts highlight importance of national sustainable development assessments; Financing for Sustainable Development;
Volume 1, Issue 11 - December 2013
Fifth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals; Holistic water agenda for post-2015; Launch of the Report "Catalyzing Water for Sustainable Development and Growth'; Small Island Matters; Committee of Experts to discuss Sustainable Development Financing; World Toilet Day highlights sanitation issues.
Volume 1, Issue 10 - November 2013
Weaving a single thread for people and planet; Dynamic dialogue between Stakeholders and Open Working Group; New learning network to help countries implement sustainable development; Experts discuss Global Sustainable Development Report at regional level;
Volume 1, Issue 9 - October 2013
High-Level Political Forum to invigorate action on sustainable development; World leaders put spotlight on Small Island Developing States Conference; Global Sustainable Development Report Executive Summary presented at HLPF ; Special event explores urbanization and sustainable development ; End of CSD opens new chapter for sustainable development
Volume 1, Issue 8 - September 2013
High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development's inaugural session; SIDS Conference website visually upgraded; UNOSD Summer School on Sustainability Transition Policies and Practices; Finance experts from UN Member States meet to mobilize resources for sustainable future; Online consultation for the UN Global Sustainable Development Report
Volume 1, Issue 7 - August 2013
High-level Political Forum to boost efforts for sustainable development; New study evaluates Major Groups framework; UN experts discussed Future Generations with a global audience; Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS regions prepare for major conference in 2014
Special Edition on Voluntary Commitments and Partnerships for Sustainable Development - July 2013

Voluntary commitments and partnerships for sustainable development are multi-stakeholder initiatives voluntarily undertaken by Governments, intergovernmental organizations, major groups and others that aim to contribute to the implementation of intergovernmentally agreed sustainable development goals and commitments in the Rio+20 outcome document 'The Future We Want', Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 or the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
Volume 1, Issue 6 - June 2013
Third session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals; Join the Rio+20 Anniversary Google+ Hangout; High-level Panel report calls for eradication of extreme poverty and sustainable development; Expert Panel on Intergenerational Solidarity; Disclaimer: Fraudulent emails on DESA conferences;
Volume 1, Issue 5 - May 2013
General Assembly discusses economic approaches for an ethical basis between Humanity and Earth; The Open Working Group on sustainable development goals holds second session; Governance experts share thoughts on High-Level Political Forum; Asian leaders embrace a vision of Zero Congestion, Zero Pollution, and Zero Accidents; Transfer of Clean Technology to Developing Countries discussed in General Assembly; New search interface on Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
Volume 1, Issue 4 - April 2013
Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals holds first session; Launch of Sustainable Transport Action Network; Bridging Knowledge and Capacity Gaps for Sustainability Transition: A Framework for Action; Google+ hang out highlights Major Groups successes at Rio+20; High-level dialogue discusses water and the post-2015 development framework
Volume 1, Issue 3 - March 2013
Website for Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States; Major groups present Position Paper on high-level political forum; Major Groups workspaces for Rio+20 - Now available; Co-facilitators for Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals appointed; Google+ Hangout outlines Rio+20 successes and follow-up; 304 green economy initiatives registered since launch of Rio+20 database
Volume 1, Issue 2 - February 2013
General Assembly creates Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals; Featured action network: Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI); HESI Achievements; The Intergovernmental Committee on an Effective Financing Strategy for Sustainable Development; Google+ Hangout on Rio+20. Join the conversation!
Volume 1, Issue 1 - January 2013
Rio+20 Voluntary initiatives; UN in Action - UN System follow-up to Rio+20; Action Networks; Featured action network: Sustainable Cities; Way forward: outlook for 2013 and beyond