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Workshops on the Development, Transfer and Dissemination of Clean and Environmentally Sound Technologies
Written Input 2013
Technology plays a key role in addressing sustainable development challenges. Individual countries face a continually evolving picture of technological needs, capacities and options for improvement, as growth and development shift the boundaries of their ability to generate and use technologies or global changes present them with yet new physical challenges, such as climate change. This requires periodically refreshing our understanding of where we are with respect to technology and sustainable development.

Heads of state and government meeting at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (“Rio+20”, Resolution 66/288) have reaffirmed the importance of technology as one of the key “means of implementation” for achieving sustainable development and associated goals, along with finance, capacity building and trade. In response to the Rio+20 mandate, the UN Secretary General has submitted a report to the General Assembly (A/67/348) providing an overview of proposals for enhancing development, transfer and diffusion of clean and environmentally sound technologies, outlining possible functions, format and working methods of a technology facilitation mechanism, as well as providing recommendations on a potential way forward. To give full consideration to this broad and rapidly evolving agenda, the General Assembly is convening four Workshops on the subject.

Expected outcomes:

The workshops are intended to identify the technology needs of developing countries, options to address those needs, capacity-building and options for a technology facilitation mechanism, taking into account existing mechanisms. The Secretary-General is expected to present a report for consideration by the General Assembly at its 68th session (Sept. 2013 – Sept. 2014) based on the discussions and recommendations from the workshops, including on the way forward, as well as additional inputs from Member States, the United Nations system and major groups.


Representatives of Governments; Major Groups (Business and Industry, Children and Youth, Farmers, Indigenous Peoples, Local Authorities, NGOs, Scientific & Technological Community, Women, Workers and Trade Unions); the UN system and other international organisations.
Workshop 3 and 4 on Development, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies
30 May 2013 - 31 May 2013
Conference room CR3 (Temporary North Lawn Building), New York
Workshop 1 and 2 on Development, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies
30 Apr 2013 - 1 May 2013
Conference room CR3, New York
United Nations