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UN Economic and Social Development
Division for Sustainable Development

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Vice Chair Summary
New York, 5 April 2002
- During the third
preparatory committee of the World Summit on Sustainable Development
four informal meetings on partnerships/initiatives were held
(‘type 2’outcomes, as described in the explanatory note by the Chairman). The meetings provided interested parties a forum to exchange views and inform
about partnerships/initiatives which they are undertaking, as well as to clarify questions with regard to the scope and
modalities of potential partnerships. The meetings also provided an
opportunity to present new ideas for more partnerships/initiatives
and to try to identify potential partners.
- The informal
meetings were attended by a large number of representatives of
governments, international organisations and major groups.
Discussions showed a strong interest among governments and major
groups to engage in partnerships and develop initiatives to
contribute to implementing Agenda 21, the Millennium Declaration
Goals and the globally agreed upon outcomes of the Johannesburg
Observations on the Scope & Modalities of ‘type 2’ Outcomes
- A number of
questions were raised during the informal discussions about the
scope and modalities of ‘type 2’ partnerships and their
relationship with the globally agreed, negotiated outcomes of the
Johannesburg Summit. It was stressed that ‘type 2’ partnerships
are not intended to substitute strong commitments by governments in
the globally agreed ‘type 1’ outcomes, rather they should
contribute to translating those political commitments into action.
- As ‘type 2’
partnerships are of a voluntary, self-organizing nature, parameters
for their elaboration should be as flexible and simple as possible.
On the other hand, there were strong calls to establish a framework
for such partnerships that would ensure their alignment with the
economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable
development, as well as monitoring of progress in their
implementation after the Johannesburg Summit.
- Participants
highlighted the need for a participatory approach, based on mutual
trust and respect for rights of all partners involved, so that
ownership of an initiative would be shared between all partners.
- Participants
expressed the view that ‘type 2’ partnerships can be organized
in different ways, depending on their objectives and their scope and
reach. However, there was agreement that the partnerships need to be
elaborated as a genuine contribution to the outcome of the World
Summit on Sustainable Development and that in case of on-going
initiatives, there has to be a clear added value in the context of
the Summit.
- In view of the
discussions during the informal meetings, the Vice-Chairs circulated
an explanatory note with general guidelines for the elaboration of
‘type 2 outcomes’. Participants welcomed the note as a useful
guidance for their further work. A slightly revised version, taking
into account comments made during the fourth informal meeting, is
attached to this summary.
Potential Areas for ‘type 2’ Partnerships
- While many
participants stated that they need more time to develop proposals
for ‘type 2’ partnerships, a number of concrete proposals were
presented during the informal meetings by international
organisations as well as major groups. Government representatives
also indicated areas in which they have started to elaborate
‘type2’ partnerships. Areas mentioned include sustainable
agriculture, food security and rural development, clean energy,
chemicals, education and training, freshwater and sanitation,
forests, information and communication technologies, initiatives for
Africa, health, sustainable urbanization, sustainable mountain
development, oceans and fisheries, sustainable consumption and
production patterns, and technology transfer.
Further Process
- Consultations on the
‘type 2’ partnerships will continue throughout the fourth
session of the Preparatory Committee in Bali. In addition to this
informal process, stakeholders will have the opportunity to suggest
and discuss partnerships during the multi-stakeholder dialogue
segment and in side events they might want to organize during the
Bali PrepCom. In the interim, the Vice-Chairs, with the help of the
Secretariat, will continue to facilitate progress. All interested
partners are invited to submit their proposals for
partnerships/initiatives to the Summit Secretariat,
using the form attached to the Chairman’s explanatory note.
Proposals will be posted to the official United Nations website for
the Johannesburg Summit .