
The Farmers Major Group was created to provide an inclusive space for all farmers and peasants from around the world to coordinate positions, statements and overall participation and engagement in UN processes related to sustainable development. The Organizing Partners of the Farmers Major Group are the World Farmers’ Organisation and IFOAM – Organics International, who are jointly accountable for carrying out all responsibilities and duties. The Farmers Major Group is committed to be a focal point for requests to attend official events and to ensure the presence (resources permitting) of our constituents at these events.
The Farmers Major Group seeks to prioritize participation of peasants, farmers, pastoralists and fishermen that are from the Global South and Least Developed Countries. This particularly includes women, the youth and those who have been historically subjected to racial, ethnic and gender discrimination. It is farmers and peasants who produce the food and agricultural products that the world consumes, and who make significant economic, social and cultural contributions at the local, regional and global levels. As such, the members of the Farmers Major Group must be actively engaged within the UN system to ensure that our voices are heard and respected.
To ensure openness and transparency, Organizing Partners of each Major Group were asked to report on their activities and governance since the lead up to the Rio+20 Conference, including a written description of their selection/election criteria and a list of the organizations the Major Group consults with. This information will shortly be made available here.