Seventh session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
6 Jan 2014 - 10 Jan 2014
Trusteeship Council Chamber
Statements & Presentations
Number of statements/presentations: 95
Co-chairs' meetings with Major Groups
Major Group: Local Authorities
Raising the Global level of climate ambition and Reaching Global goals on sustainable development through Scaling-up, Engaging, Empowering Local Action
Opening Session
Ms. Adriana de Almeida Lobo, Executive Director, CTS Embarq
Sustainable cities and human settlements, sustainable transport
Sustainable consumption and production (including chemicals and waste)
Climate change and disaster risk reduction
Resolutions and decisions
Outcome Documents
Secretary-General Reports
Technical Support Team (TST) Issues Briefs
Statistical Notes
Other documents
Side events
The seventh session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals dealt with:
- Sustainable cities and human settlements, sustainable transport
- Sustainable consumption and production (including chemicals and waste)
- Climate change and disaster risk reduction
Side Events
Please click
here for the Preliminary Programme of Side Events.
Major Groups
- The Open Working Group is open for Major Groups in Consultative Status with ECOSOC.
- Registration is available at
CSO Net here.
Co-Chair’s meetings with the Major Groups and other Stakeholders
List of speakers - OWG7 Co-Chair’s meetings with the Major Groups and other Stakeholders
Major Groups Thematic Clusters
As a registered Major Groups organization, you can contribute to the various
Thematic Clusters.
Publications & Additional resources
Major Groups
- The Open Working Group is open for Major Groups in Consultative Status with ECOSOC
- Registration is available at CSO Net here
Co-Chair’s meetings with the Major Groups and other Stakeholders
Major Groups Thematic Clusters
As a registered Major Groups organization, you can contribute to the various
Thematic Clusters.