With a goal to Foster Dynamism and Effectiveness in Patient Data Keeping, Health Personnel Management and Distant Financial Service Delivery/Control for Community Health Systems in sub-Saharan Africa;...
With a goal to Foster Dynamism and Effectiveness in Patient Data Keeping, Health Personnel Management and Distant Financial Service Delivery/Control for Community Health Systems in sub-Saharan Africa; The community Health unit database network system provides an innovation at addressing the short comings and failures in quality health care services delivery within local health units, major health centers/hospitals and the local/national/international health management divisions via the promotion of e-governance initiatives for health solutions in Africa.
As means of implementation:
The community health unit database software and its networking parameters operate at 3 objective levels:
1. Primarily: it operates as a dynamic digital data backup covering patient healthcare data, physicians medical records, personnel identities, assessments and evaluation, health unit’s work plan and health unit’s drugs dispensaries reports within a single health unit.
2. Secondarily: the software is interlinked/networked with an aggregate group of health institutions in a virtual private network (VPN) through which patient and healthcare data and other information of hierarchical order among the networked users can be shared. At this level the system is also linked up to affiliate banks and mobile telephone companies where health bills could be settled and/or savings made for future health eventualities via direct payments to the banks or via mobile airtime credits using the patients IDs.
3. Tertiary: at a national level and within sub-Saharan African countries where national and international security primes, the national ministries could be interlinked on health base e-governance measures in a culture to improve on international health service delivery, assessment, evaluation and exchanges to meet up with the global currents in healthcare development for Africa.
Besides the initiatives outright development goals, its design is structured to habitably accommodate the situational adjustment and actual needs of our local community health units within the sub-Saharan African countries including but not limited to language mutations, population class and cultural distinctions.
Also given that outside the objective focus of the community health unit database networking systems inculcates a wider range of developmental needs for sub-Saharan African countries including the spread of internet connectivity to interior localities, ICT management capacity building of community youths to manage and upgrade the system and rapid e-governance progress, the system’s facilities and requirements will ignite/facilitate a stimulated stretch of similar technologies into other sectors of the national economies such as agriculture, Education, judiciary, police etc.
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