[see PDF file for graphics]
A Whole World SDG:
• A Sustainable Earth Footprint
• And method for thoughtfully managing earth systems
We have always needed an SDG for reducing our global footprint, in a way that would thoughtfully manage world economic systems to do so. The secret to it is having a method for informing businesses, consumers, investors, regulators and market, all the economic decision makers, on what their own and each other’s decisions result in.
We now have good scientific methods that are constantly improving for matching economic choices and economic footprints.
• LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) accounts for the traceable impacts of individuals and
• EF (Ecological Footprint) measures national renewable resource use using trade
• EI (Economic Impact) Combines traceable impacts by any method with shares of
untraceable impacts for measurable ESG factors, using shares of GDP as end user
shares of responsibility for total production and consumption impacts going into GDP.
We also have improving understanding of their long term costs. If collected for implementing the SDG’s, that information can be used to quite rationally steer decision making for the markets, giving regulators, investors, businesses and consumers a good understanding of what their decisions cost.
Combining traceable and shares of untraceable impacts that way “internalizes all externalities”. That makes the World SDG easy to define, with a goal of having all impacts approach their own limits, safely, and within all recognized cultural, economic and planetary boundaries.
It would work by:
• Matching shares of GDP with shares of the Economic Impacts that end user production
and consumption cause
• Attributing societal economic costs to those impacts with measurable costs.
• Push science to learn how to do this better and better, so work on individual
SDG’s can be done in balance with the World.
It would take effect by:
• Assessing measurable impact costs attributable to individual causes to those responsible
• and the balance… to everyone else by their share of GDP, as an implied global
environmental obligation and debt.
• Poverty - caused by increasing resource demands driving up resource costs unsustainably
• Societal costs of industrial farming from pollution and depletion to destabilizing
traditional communities and deforestation
• Climate change - showing everyone that the enormous cost of inaction will come
directly out of their own pockets.
It is widely recognized humanity is far from living sustainably, having already living well beyond the carrying capacity of the earth. Clearly we need a well-defined SDG to reduce our global footprint.
1 8-Jan-14 Jessie Henshaw IPS Statement for OWG7 based on her “Ideal Model - Ideal Model: New Architecture”
2 LCA is the world standard method for assessing traceable impact, and the one on which most others are based
3 EF is a product of the Global Footprinting Network
4 EI is biophysical economic systems accounting: Henshaw, King & Zarnikau 2011“Systems Energy Assessment” in Sustainability MDPI see
http://synapse9.com/signals/2013/12/08/ideal-model-new-architecture and