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Sustainable cities and human settlements
How to contribute
  • Comment on Cluster Position Papers
  • Upload relevant material under "Contributions from MGs"
Steering Committee
Members & Contributors
Name Organization
ayoob ismaelSalahaddin University
Dan PetrieHabitat for Humanity International
eman srourIEREK - International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange
Gil CakirUnited Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
Gisbert GlaserInternational Council for Science (ICSU)
Jessie Lydia HenshawCommons Cluster
Larisa ZelentsovaInterregional Union of Life Help for Mentally Handicapped Persons
Matthew Reading SmithStakeholder Forum
Miroslav PolzerInternational Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)
Sascha GabizonWomen in Europe for a Common Future (WECF)
Yunus ArikanICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

As a registered (online registered, through this website) major groups organization, you may contribute to the work of Steering Committees of the Thematic Clusters by uploading articles, background or position papers that relates to the Thematic Cluster and towards formulation of a Sustainable Development Goal of that particular cluster. See full list of Thematic Clusters here.

Regionalization is an objective process of development of mankind, society, countries, cities and regions. It allows people to find meaning in life in any part of the world and to understand a signifi...
6 – 8 September 2016
The main goal of this conference is to enhance and spread the role of sustainable architecture in improving the quality of built environment in develop...
02 – 04 December 2015
Improving sustainability concept in developing countries conference organized by IEREK considered as the first step in spreading science and knowledge through th...
Population density exerts significant influence over socioeconomic characteristics and sustainability of rural communities. Despite such understanding, studies on the roles of population density on so...
Salahaddin University on 12:41 pm, 20 Oct, 2014
Stakeholder Forum has produced a 'Summary of targets from proposals in the SDGs e-Inventory under the OWG’s 19 Focus Areas'. A section is devoted to targets and indicators related to sustainable cit...
Stakeholder Forum on 6:36 am, 7 Apr, 2014
[see PDF file for graphics]

A Whole World SDG:
• A Sustainable Earth Footprint
• And method for thoughtfully managing earth systems

We have always needed an SDG for reducing our g...
Commons Cluster on 4:05 pm, 15 Jan, 2014
Statement by Elizabeth Blake, general counsel and senior vice president of advocacy and government affairs of Habitat for Humanity International, on the Seventh Session of the United Nations’ Open W...
Habitat for Humanity International on 11:11 am, 9 Jan, 2014
This position paper outlines the belief of Habitat for Humanity International (HfHI) that the importance of and dire need for adequate housing ought to be recognized in the context of a discussion aro...
Habitat for Humanity International on 11:07 am, 9 Jan, 2014
This note outlines the case for a stand-­alone urban SDG.

It explains why alternative approaches that treat urbanization as a “cross--‐cutting” issue and spread urban issues across sepa...
Communitas is a coalition for sustainable cities & regions led by its core partners - Tellus Institute,ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability, nrg4SD- Network of Regional Governments
for Sustain...
This paper is a common contribution from different members of the Major Groups, supporting a stand-alone SDG on “Sustainable urbanization”. It has been elaborated on the occasion of several meetin...
This document has been drafted on behalf of the Scientific Committee for the ICSU-IAMP programme on Health and Wellbeing in the Changing Urban Environment – A Systems Analysis Approach. The Scientif...
International Council for Science (ICSU) on 1:55 pm, 11 Dec, 2013
We, the Mayors and local leaders coming from 20 cities on four continents convened in Bonn, Germany’s United Nations City and home to ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, by the World Mayors ...
United Nations