December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
The “Plan Vert” is a sustainable development strategy designed by university associations in France (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles and Conference of University Presidents), the French government and non-governmental organizations within the framework of the Grenelle Environment Roundtable. It consists of a framework of objectives and actions drawn from the European Sustainable Development Strategy and is designed to pilot and evaluate those actions. More than 100 “Grandes Ecoles” and universities used it in 2010.
The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS) is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS® was developed by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education with broad participation from the higher education community.
The Sustainability Leadership Scorecard is a self-assessment tool for colleges and universities to measure, report and improve their whole institution sustainability performance. Automatically drawing on many of the sustainability standards and accreditations you have achieved, the Sustainability Leadership Scorecard: • Allows a coordinated whole-institution approach to sustainability. • Provides you with reports that you can use to communicate performance success within your own institution, set new targets and monitor and improve progress. • Gives you the choice over which aspects of sustainability you wish to focus on for action and improvement. • Is free and easy to use for all universities and colleges in the UK and Ireland and available for international institutions for a very small annual fee.
AISHE, the Assessment Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education, was developed and validated in the Netherlands in 2000-2001 by DHO, the Dutch Foundation for Sustainable Higher Education. With the help of AISHE results, universities or their departments can be awarded the ‘Certificate of Sustainable Higher Education', which is a star system, enabling universities to acquire 1, 2, 3 or 4 stars. AISHE can be applied freely by any university. (‘Publications section'). In Dutch only.
This free, matchmaking website connects practitioners, students, faculty, and volunteers with projects to transform our world into a better place for all. If you are a practitioner or researcher working on solutions for the environment, economy, and/or social well-being, post what help you need with research, implementation, project management, or evaluation (locally or virtually). This site can save you many hours that it would normally take to recruit students or volunteers. If you are a student or volunteer, review these SDG based projects and see how you can get involved.
The United Nations Environment Programme conducts Environmental Education and Training that promotes attitudes and value systems that influence environmentally ethical behaviour by developing understanding, skills and values that enable people to participate as active and informed citizens in the development of an ecologically sustainable and socially just society. Environmental Education is fundamental to the achievement of the goal of Sustainable Development. Education and training are essential to UNEP fulfilling its mandate of inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to achieve sustainable development. UNEP's flagship initiative is the Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability,,which aims to promote the integration of environment and sustainability concerns into teaching, research, community engagement, the management of universities, greening of university infrastructure/facilities/operations, as well as to enhance student engagement and participation in sustainability activities both within and beyond universities.
As lead-agency of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, UNESCO supports policy-makers in integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into education plans and curricula; publishes material on ESD for decision-makers, teachers and students; monitors progress in the implementation of the UN Decade; communicates good ESD practice in all areas of education; brings together ESD practitioners from all world regions; and contributes to developing ESD further.
The UN Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to voluntarily align their operations and strategies with ten universally-accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. The UN Global Compact is a multistakeholder leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible corporate policies and practices. Launched in 2000, it is the largest corporate responsibility initiative in the world, with over 10,000 signatories based in 140 countries. Higher education institutions are encouraged to participate in the UN Global Compact as deeply and meaningfully as the thousands of traditional corporate and organizational participants that have adopted its principles for over a decade. A working group of UN Global Compact academic stakeholders has developed guidelines for higher education institution to implement the principles in their goals, strategies, and operations.
The mission of the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative is to inspire and champion responsible management education, research and thought leadership globally. The PRME are inspired by internationally accepted values such as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. They seek to establish a process of continuous improvement among institutions of management education in order to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced by business and society in the 21st century. In the current academic environment, corporate responsibility and sustainability have entered but not yet become embedded in the mainstream of business-related education. The PRME are therefore a timely global call for business schools and universities worldwide to gradually adapt their curricula, research, teaching methodologies and institutional strategies to the new business challenges and opportunities. Taking the Six Principles as a guiding framework, any institution which is willing to integrate corporate responsibility and sustainability in a gradual but systemic manner is welcome to join the initiative.
The United Nations University implements research and educational programmes in the area of sustainable development, with the particular aim of assisting developing countries. Established in 1973 as “an international community of scholars, engaged in research, postgraduate training and dissemination of knowledge in furtherance of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations”, UNU operates through a worldwide nexus of institutes and programmes. UNU serves as a think tank for the United Nations system and provides a bridge between the UN and the international academic and policy-making communities.
The 50+20 initiative describes a vision for the transformation of management education, in which the common tenet of being the best in the world is revised in favor of creating businesses that are designed and led to achieve the best for the world. Providing management education for the world, according to the 50+20 Agenda, involves three fundamental roles: educating and developing globally responsible leaders, enabling business organizations to serve the common good, and engaging in the transformation of business and the economy.
A group of over 30 agencies, organisations and associations came together in 2012 to influence Rio + 20 dialogues. These stakeholders are rooted in different regions of the globe and actively engaged in sustainable development at the higher education level. The partnership, led by Copernicus Alliance with the support of UNU IAS and the International Association of Universities has generated a Higher Education Treaty for Rio+20. This Treaty is one of a series of People's Treaties developed to influence Rio+20 but also to make visible commitments across various sectors. The process of influencing higher education to reorient itself towards sustainability is complex and a long term commitment. Others engaged in, and with, higher education are invited to support this process by becoming signatories to the Treaty. The Treaty will remain open for signatories until the 31st August. Plans will then be developed in the autumn to progress, as well as showcase, efforts of signatories beyond 2012.
Amfort (or WAPTT,the World Association for Professional Tourism Training ) was created at Nice in 1969, as part of the same movement which created WTO. Its aim was » to define, develop, promote and adapt world tourism training to the needs and evolution of the tourism industry. Every second year, its world congress brought together the representatives of the three categories of institution and people that can shape the future of tourism education and training
Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) works by bringing international education leaders into dialogue with each other, their counterparts around the world, umbrella organizations that promote international education, and organizations concerned with the shaping and management of higher education.
CEEMANis an international management development association established in 1993 with the aim of accelerating the growth in quality of management development in central and eastern Europe. CEEMAN is a global network of management development institutions focusing on the quality of education and innovations within the field, as well as in the broad area of subjects related to change. CEEMAN has more than 200 institutional and individual members from 51 countries in Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia.
CNRD is an international university network on research and education related to the Millennium Development Goal 7 (MDG 7). Currently the network consists of 11 partner universities in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. CNRD is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and managed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Its focal point is Cologne University of Applied Sciences.
EFMD is an international membership organization, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 760 member organizations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 82 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development. EFMD runs the EQUIS, EPAS, CEL & CLIP accreditation systems as well as the Deans Across Frontiers business school mentoring programme (DAF) and is one of the key reference points for management education worldwide. Since its inception EFMD has been pioneering initiatives related to responsible management .
The Foundation for Environmental Education is a non-government, non-profit organisation promoting sustainable development through environmental education. FEE is mainly active through its five environmental education programmes: Blue Flag, Eco-Schools, Young Reporters for the Environment, Learning about Forests and Green Key.
GRLI: The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative is a worldwide partnership of companies and business schools/learning organisations working together in a laboratory of change to develop a next generation of globally responsible leaders. The GRLI engages in thought leadership, advocacy and projects to achieve measurable impact. Founded in 2004 by the European Foundation for Management Development and the UN Global Compact, today it comprises 70 partner (member) organisations who are committed to transforming leadership development. It is a member organization, a foundation, an advanced laboratory and a movement.
MEDIES (Mediteranean Region): Mediteranean Education Initiative for Environment and Sustainability aims to support the educational community in its efforts to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 21, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), through the successful application of innovative educational programmes in all countries around the Mediterranean basin.
ProSPER.Net (Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network)is an alliance of higher education institutions launched in June 2008, formed by leading universities in the Asia-Pacific region. ProSPER.Net was created in recognition of the need to advance and disseminate knowledge and research for sustainable development within a systematic and collaborative platform. By engaging with other members within this framework, opportunities for synergies and collaboration in terms of building upon members' strengths, exchanging good practices and expertise in joint projects are enhanced. Collaborative projects in various fields have been carried out since the network was founded, comprising design and delivery of an e-learning programme on sustainable development practice in public policy, integration of sustainability issues in business school and engineering and built environment curricula, faculty training module and resource materials for sustainability, researchers' school in sustainable development, research on innovative pedagogies applied in regional poverty reduction programmes and alternative university appraisal project, that aims to reflect and create tools for universities' evaluation as regards their activities in ESD.
SENAI has been based on meeting the needs of the industrial production process, with courses and programs for vocational education, aiming at high levels of professional qualification of workers, as well as the formation of creative and enterprising citizens. We reinforce our goal of promoting education for a generation of workers and managers capable of promoting sustainability today and over the long term. Our pedagogical practice will be guided by the goal of forming autonomous learners, who have initiative, pro-activity and ability to solve problems. Thus, educating professionals capable of conducting self-training and improvement as well as the resources and environment sustainability.
The Association of African Universities (AAU) is an international non-governmental organisation founded in Rabat, Morocco in November 1967 having its headquarters in Accra, Ghana. The Association draws its membership from all five sub-regions of Africa and operates in three official languages, namely English, French and Arabic. Over the years, membership has grown from an initial 34 to 265 members from 46 African countries. It is accorded observer status by the African Union (AU), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the United Nations University (UNU). A major development in recent years is that the AAU has been designated the lead implementing agency for the higher education component of the Action Plan for the Second Decade of Education of the African Union.
The Association of MBAs is the international impartial authority on postgraduate business education. Established in 1967, it sets the global standard for accrediting MBA, DBA and MBM programmes. The Association currently accredits MBA provisions in 189 schools in more than 75 countries. It is also a professional membership association connecting MBA students and graduates, accredited business schools and MBA employers. The Association of MBAs is committed to the advancement of responsible management through postgraduate business education.
The Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) is the Secretariat for signatories of the Talloires Declaration (1990), which has been signed by over 400 college and university presidents and chancellors worldwide. ULSF provides resources and support for sustainability as a critical focus of teaching, research, operations and outreach in higher education through publications, research, and assessment.
The COPERNICUS Alliance is a European network of Universities and partners which promotes transformative learning and change for sustainability across the higher education sector. The COPERNICUS Alliance promotes learning through dialogue and exchange opportunities; encourages the development of publications and resources; collects and shares best practice; provides opportunities for collaborative research; and reviews assessment tools to assist organisations in their journeys towards sustainability.
The International Association of Universities (IAU), founded in 1950, is a UNESCO-based worldwide association of higher education institutions. The Association brings together HEIs and higher education organizations and associations from some 120 countries from around the world for reflection and action on common concerns. Its services are available on a priority basis to Members but also to organizations, institutions and authorities concerned with higher education, as well as to individual policy and decision-makers, specialists, administrators, teachers, researchers and students. The three overarching clusters the Association works on are: I. Internationalisation, globalisation, cross-border higher education, and intercultural learning and dialogue; II. Access to higher education, including growing demand for enrolment and decreased funding, use of ICTs, distance education and the opportunities brought on by innovations such as the Open Content movement; III. Higher education and society (including higher education for sustainable development, the role of higher education in meeting the UN Education for All programme goals, etc.).
The SDG Accord is the university and college sector’s collective response to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It is a high profile international initiative that the Global Alliance developed to allow the tertiary education sector to demonstrate its commitment to playing its part in meeting the SDGs, and sharing best practice. This is a partnership initiative, supported by the UN’s HESI and many other global partners. It was launched in 2017, and it currently has official commitment to its tenets from over 100 institutions, over 100 support organisations and 1000 individuals – all spread across 85 countries. The SDG Accord provides a platform to come together in a movement, to inspire, celebrate and advance the critical role that education has in delivering the SDGs, and presents this in a coherent annual report for use by the UN, governments, business and wider society. While the sustainability journey of each institution will reflect its unique context, it is clear that connecting them together through the SDG Accord offers the opportunity for scaling of impact.
UNITWIN: The University Twinning and Networking Programme, established in 1992, seeks to advance research, training and programme development in all of UNESCO's fields of competence by building university networks and encouraging inter-university cooperation through the transfer of knowledge across borders.
World Business School Council for Sustainable Business (WBSCSB): WBSCSB is a sustainability think-tank and platform of action for business schools to contribute making business sustainable through their research, education and engagement. Founded at the 2010 annual conference of the Academy of Management in Montreal, a small group of concerned deans and professors took a first step to create the World Business School Council for Sustainable Business (WBSCSB). Core areas of activities include: leading research addressing pressing sustainability issues and education embracing sustainability as a function of business.
Higher Education should play a key role in building a sustainable future by providing current and future decision-makers with sufficient knowledge, skills and mindsets to make informed and effective decisions to this end.
Sulitest is an online platform developing training and assessment tools to improve sustainability literacy for all and to provide tangible indicators to monitor this journey. Sulitest's ecosystem of tools include: the Quiz, consisting of a set of around 10 questions and played as an interactive game between several teams, it can be used during board meetings, classes, and other events; Looping, a platform that proposes a reverse pedagogy experience where learners play an active role in co-creating new knowledge, creating questions and using critical thinking and collective intelligence in a peer evaluation process; and lastly, the most well-known tool, the Test, an individual exam that includes a core module of 30 international questions, and optionally, customized modules linked to a specific country, SDG, or topic of choice through customization.
In only a few years, the Sulitest has grown into a learning tool of reference. It is widely used by almost 1000 HEIs and organizations in 80 countries and almost 160,000 tests have already been taken on the Sulitest platform. Building on its community, Sulitest is developing a diversity of modules to provide internationally recognized and locally relevant tools aligned with the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sulitest is a tangible implementation of HESI and a contributor to the review of the 2030 Agenda through the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). Each Sulitest question is aligned with one or more SDG in order to create the largest database on citizens’ awareness and understanding of the goals. An annual report highlights these indicators to map awareness of the SDGs and to monitor progress.
Download the 2020 Sulitest HLPF Report here.
In addition, complementary modules are supporting the learning journey toward the SDGs. In 2017, Sulitest and UN DESA launched a first module on the SDGs framework and processes to empower citizens to contribute to the global agenda. Since then, modules on SDG 7, SDG 11 (focused on holistic waste management) and SDG 12 (focused on Circular Economy) were developed and made available. Currently, Sulitest is co-creating with UN DESA and Mercator Ocean International a SDG 14 modules with questions about ocean-related issues.
Sign-up your organization here (or use your existing account) and start expanding your knowledge and assessing your sustainability literacy with Sulitest!