Over the past 10 years, UNDESA has built capacities in the use of quantitative modelling tools to inform policy makers, with an emphasis on policy options to achieve human development goals, including the MDGs. In doing so, a suite of models has been transferred to a number of Member States from all developing regions. Building on this experience and to meet the challenges posed by the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, UNDESA is strengthening countries’ capacities to address the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development through the use of a suite of modelling tools accessible in the web-based platform “Modelling Tools for Sustainable Development”.
The website, powered by UNITE Ideas of UN OICT, and developed by UNDESA in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden (KTH), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-Brazil), showcases a set of modelling tools and visualizations that illustrate and assist the analysis of policy strategies and the interlinkages, trade-offs and synergies that characterise sustainable development. The event will present the latest updates to the modelling tools platform and focus will be provided to four tools: 1) Fuel Tax and Development; 2) the Growth and Social Inclusion, 3) Universal Access to Electricity, and 4) the Climate, Land use, Energy and Water strategies. Mr. Lenni Montiel, ASG for Economic Development will provide opening remarks and announce the winner of the #Electricity4All Python Challenge that DESA, in collaboration with OICT, launched to optimise the Universal Access to Electrification tool.